Background: Synthetic(Exosurf) and natural surfactant(Survanta)are used in the treatment of RDS. It has been shown that its administration may affect organ blood flow. Little is known about surfactant possible effect on coronary blood flow.

Methods: 20 newborn piglets < 7 days old were used, divided into Survanta(su) group(n=6), Exosurf(exo) group(n=7), and control(ctr) group(n=7). Pulmonary lavage was done in all groups. Total and regional cardiac blood flow was measured using the radiolabelled microsphere technique at BL after the lung lavage and 5,10 and 60 min. after tracheal installation of either Survanta or Exosurf. The control group did not receive any installation. Statistical analisis by ANOVA for repeated measurements was performed

Results: Table

Table 1

A significant increase was found either in total and left ventricular(VIBF) blood flow at 10 min after the installation on either Exosurf or Survanta groups and also at 60 min in Survanta group. The control group remained stable through out the study period. Arterial blood pressure, cardiac frecuency, cardiac output and blood gases remained within physiological range.

Conclusion: Installation of surfactant (Exosurf or Survanta) induced a transitory increase of coronary blood flow. This suggest that, when other hemodynamical parameters remain stable, cardiac blood flow is not compromised by surfactant treatment.