Background: Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) has been shown to induce neutrophilia and to enhance mature effector neutrophil function. Whereas serum concentrations of G-CSF are high during infection, nothing is known about G-CSF receptor (G-CSF-R) expression on neutrophils of neonates.

Subjecs: G-CSF-R expression was determined flow cytometrically(FACScan) with a polyclonal anti-G-CSF antibody stained with a monoclonal anti-IgG(Fc) antibody.

Results: Percentage of neutrophils expressing G-CSF-R neonates G-CSF -R expression on neutrophils was lower in infected neonates when compared with healthy controls. Table

Table 1

Conclusion: G-CSF-R is downregulated during infection.