Male factor infertility

Male mice deficient for CatSper, a gene that encodes a sperm-specific voltage-gated calcium channel, are infertile. Genetic analysis of two consanguineous Iranian families whose male members are affected by an autosomal recessive form of infertility has identified two insertion mutations of CATSPER1. This finding opens a new avenue for investigation of reproductive problems in men.

Avenarius, M. R. et al. Human male infertility caused by mutations in the CATSPER1 channel protein. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 84, 505–510 (2009).


A randomized controlled study has shown that the probability of expulsion of distal ureteral stones is increased by more than five times in patients taking 50 mg per day of the α1D adrenergic receptor blocker naftopidil. No adverse effects were noted during 14 days of follow-up, and there was no significant difference in expulsion time between the naftopidil-treated group and matched controls assigned to watchful waiting.

Sun, X. et al. Efficacy of selective α1D-blocker naftopidil as medical expulsive therapy for distal ureteral stones. J. Urol. 181, 1716–1720 (2009).


Biodegradable urethral stents used to relieve acute urinary retention secondary to BPH have a tendency to break suddenly into large fragments and to migrate. These problems did not occur during a pilot trial of a braided-pattern stent composed of poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) inserted using a specially-designed apparatus. 3 months after stent insertion and initiation of dutasteride treatment, half of the 10-man study group was free of voiding difficulties.

Kotsar, A. et al. Biodegradable braided poly(lacticco-glycolic acid) urethral stent combined with dutasteride in the treatment of acute urinary retention due to benign prostatic enlargement: a pilot study. BJU Int. 103, 626–629 (2009).


Real-time visualization using a portable gamma camera and laparoscopic gamma probe enhances identification of sentinel nodes in patients with prostatic, testicular and renal cell malignancies. The novel technique was used successfully by a Dutch team in 18 of 20 patients. A total of 59 sentinel nodes were located and removed, several from uncommon sites.

Vermeeren, L. et al. Intraoperative radioguidance with a portable gamma camera: a novel technique for laparoscopic sentinel node localisation in urological malignancies. Eur. J. Nucl. Med. Mol. Imaging doi:10.1007/s00259-009-1100-6