As this issue went to press, the avian influenza situation in Turkey was in a state of flux, with new reports and updates available on the web almost hourly. Of course, we have covered the story in our Disease Watch News section (pages 88–89), but for such fast developing stories it is difficult to provide timely coverage in a monthly journal, even with an accelerated Advance Online Publication schedule.

For such situations, the internet comes into its own. One useful resource that you might not be aware of is a new online bookmarking service called Connotea (, which was developed by Nature Publishing Group and is available free online. Connotea allows you to compile a list of your bookmarks in an easily accessible format that you can access anywhere worldwide. As you can tag all your bookmarks with keywords, your online library is readily searchable. As a 'social bookmarking' service, the key feature of Connotea is that you can share your bookmarks with others.

Disease Watch News is written with the expert assistance of David Ojcius, Professor at the University of California, Merced. David is a self-confessed news junkie who keeps us informed of the latest developments in infectious diseases. Recently, David has started to use Connotea to bookmark interesting research papers and news stories as he trawls through the internet. Along with Nature reporter Declan Butler, David is one of Connotea's most frequent users and between them they have compiled an excellent online dossier on avian flu that can be accessed under the 'avian flu' tag. To access David's links (including links to all the interesting stories that we simply don't have room to include) log on to Connotea and click on David's username 'ojcius'.