The web site for the Cell Migration Consortium, which is “...dedicated to accelerating progress in migration-related research ... comprised of a number of investigators and collaborators from over 10 institutions...” is a site that's really going places.

The available information falls into three sections: 'Cell Migration Science', 'The Consortium' and 'Research Resources'. For the more hands-on among you, the first and last sections will probably be most appealing, but the additional information about the Consortium is well worth a read too.

Within the Cell Migration Science section, click on 'Migration 101'— here you'll find a nice overview of cell migration (complete with an animated schematic of a migrating cell!), where you can brush up on the basics of migration mechanics and read about the pivotal role of cell migration throughout life. For 'proteinophiles', a really useful link is 'Molecules', which provides a comprehensive list of proteins — from α-Actinin to Zyxin. Another nice feature is the movies, although, at present, the collection's rather sparse.

Although the 'News' section is not very current, the rest of the site provides reasonably up-to-date information, such as PubMed links to abstracts of relevant primary papers and reviews within the Cell Migration Science category. There are further links and job postings, too.

Another useful resource is the links to relevant meetings, which currently extends into May 2003, and for those of you who are interested in 'migrating' down the slopes, the Cell Migration Consortium will be meeting up at the Keystone Cell Migration and Invasion meeting in Breckenridge next January.