Nat. Neurosci., 8, 709–715 (2005)

The version of this article that was published contained typographical errors in some gene names. On page 710, in the right column, third paragraph, the fourth sentence should have read as follows: “That study examined the expression both of pathway components such as Hes1, Hes5 and Delta-like 1 (Dll1) and of early differentiation markers such as Math4A (also known as Neurog2), NeuroD and NSCL-1 (also known as Nhlh1).” The last sentence of that paragraph should have read as follows: “This notion is supported by previous findings that Hes1 can be upregulated in PC12 cells cultured in the growth factors NGF, FGF2 or EGF64 and in postnatal cerebellar granule cells cultured in Sonic hedgehog65.” The fourth and fifth sentences in the second paragraph, right column, on page 713 should have read as follows: “These studies found that Notch activation reduced neurite extension, but presumed signaling blockade (via expression of Numb, Numbl or Dx) could promote neurite extension. Subsequent studies have found that Numb deletion disrupts neuronal maturation in the developing cerebellum31, whereas deletion of Numb and Numbl disrupts axonal arborization in sensory ganglia in vivo32.” In addition, on page 712, in the right column, top line, the authors would like to revise the sentence to read as follows: “Third, several reports have identified ErbB2 as a Notch target that has a role during mammalian radial glial maintenance91,92.”