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Live-cell mass profiling: an emerging approach in quantitative biophysics


Cell mass, volume and growth rate are tightly controlled biophysical parameters in cellular development and homeostasis, and pathological cell growth defines cancer in metazoans. The first measurements of cell mass were made in the 1950s, but only recently have advances in computer science and microfabrication spurred the rapid development of precision mass-quantifying approaches. Here we discuss available techniques for quantifying the mass of single live cells with an emphasis on relative features, capabilities and drawbacks for different applications.

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Figure 1: Some methods for single-cell or single-cluster mass measurements.
Figure 2: Specific refractive index increment of biomolecules.
Figure 3: Live-cell mass quantification with interference microscopy.

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We thank P. Bon for helpful discussions. The authors are supported by a University of California (UC) Discovery/NantWorks Bioscience Biotechnology Award (Bio07–10663), a California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) Basic Biology 1 Award (RB1–01397), the Broad Stem Cell Research Center at UCLA Innovator Award, the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) Roadmap for Medical Research Nanomedicine Initiative (PN2EY018228), NIH grants (R01CA185189, P01GM081621, K25CA157940, R01GM073981, R01CA156674, R01CA90571) and, partially, a Translational Acceleration Grant from the Caltech-UCLA Joint Center for Translational Medicine.

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Zangle, T., Teitell, M. Live-cell mass profiling: an emerging approach in quantitative biophysics. Nat Methods 11, 1221–1228 (2014).

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