Nat. Immunol. 8, 487–496 (2007); published online: 8 April 2007; corrected after print 24 May 2007

In the version of this article initially published, the legends for Figures 3c and 5b fail to indicate that portions of these are the same experiments as in Figures 3b and 5a, respectively. The correct legends state “Binding with or without CpG-A is from the same experiment as in b” (for Fig. 3c) and “Data for PL2-3 in the presence of supernatant alone (bold lines) as detected by anti-IgG2a (left, a, b) and by anti-HMGB1 (right, a, b) are from the same experiment” (for Fig. 5b). Also, error bars are missing from Figure 3c. The errors have been corrected in the HTML and PDF versions of the article.