Nature Communications 5: Article number: 3258 (2014); Published: 6 February 2014; Updated: 14 April 2014.

Previous work by Diensthuber et al. describing the structure of the YF1 histidine kinase was inadvertently omitted from the reference list of this Article and should have been cited in place of reference 8 at instances where YF1 is referred to. For example, in the Introduction, Diensthuber et al. should have been cited as follows ‘The recent structures of VicK9 and YF1 (Diensthuber et al.) HKs are consistent with the notion of asymmetry in the autophosphorylation reaction since these structures showed that one of the CA domain approaches to the phosphoacceptor His while the second CA domain is far away from the second His.’.

Diensthuber, R. P. et al. Full-length structure of a sensor histidine kinase pinpoints coaxial coiled coils as signal transducers and modulators. Structure 21, 1127–1136 (2013).