Nature Communications 4: Article number: 2115 (2013); Published: 5 July 2013; Updated: 20 January 2014.

In Supplementary Table S3 of this Article, some of the genotype entries are incorrect, as follows:

For the SMR6280 strain, SMR4562 ΔaraBAD567 [F’ mhpA32miniTn7Kan(I-SceI cutsite)] should be SMR4562 ΔaraBAD567 ΔattBc::PBADI-SceI [F’ mhpA32::miniTn7Kan(I-SceI cutsite)].

For the PJH813 strain, SMR4562 Δmfd::FRTKanFRT should be SMR4562 Δmfd::FRT.

For the PJH2023 strain, SMR4562 ΔattTn7::PN25tetOgam-gfpFRT Δzfd2509.2::PN25tetRFRT should be SMR4562 ΔattTn7::PN25tetOgamFRTcatFRT Δzfd2509.2::PN25tetRFRT.

For the PJH2443 strain, SMR4562 ΔattTn7::PN25tetOgam-gfpFRT ΔrnhA::FRTKanFRT Δzfd2509.2::PN25tetRFRT should be SMR4562 ΔattTn7::PN25tetOgamFRTcatFRT ΔrnhA::FRTKanFRT Δzfd2509.2::PN25tetRFRT.