Nature Communications 8: Article number: 14969 (2017); Published: 25 April 2017; Updated: 20 June 2017

The legend to Fig. 8 of this Article contains a typographical error. The first sentence of this legend should read ‘(a) Co and (b) Ru3Co models.’

The Results section contains two typographical errors. The penultimate sentence of the first paragraph of the section ‘Electrochemical characterization for HER catalysis’ should read ‘It was also found that S-4 with lower Ru content (3.58 wt.% Ru in RuCo@NC catalyst, obtained from ICP) showed better activity than the etched counterpart with higher Ru content (17.7 wt.% Ru in RuCo alloy, obtained from ICP), which was in good agreement with the above-mentioned trend of overpotentials.’ In the same section, ‘Especially, the S-4 catalyst exhibited an ASA*CS of 1.242 mA cm−2’ should read ‘Especially, the S-4 catalyst exhibited an ASA*CS of 1.242*CS mA cm−2’.

The legend to Supplementary Fig. 14 incorrectly states that the Δj values plotted in h) correspond to those at 0.15 V vs RHE. The Δj values in fact correspond to those at 0.1 V vs RHE.