The US remains the most productive country in terms of biotech-related papers, with MIT and Harvard the leading universities. But numbers of papers from the EU surpassed the US last year (with Germany and the UK ahead of most EU countries); elsewhere, Korea, China and Japan also publish frequently. Overall, the number of biotech papers in NCBI's PubMed has more than doubled in the past decade (1,890 in 1994; 5,913 in 2004). Research in fields such as RNAi and proteomics appears particularly fertile.

Credit: Source: In-Cites, University Science Indicators
Credit: Source: PubMed search for papers containing term 'biotechnology'
Credit: Source: ISI Web of Knowledge, as of March 8
Credit: Source: Data from NCBI's PubMed using fields (e.g., proteomics) as search term
Credit: Source: ISI categories Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology; Engineering, Biomedical