Papers from the literature selected by the Nature Biotechnology editors. (Follow us on Twitter, @NatureBiotech #nbtHighlight)

Genome-wide mapping reveals that deoxyuridine is enriched in the human centromeric DNA

Shu, X. et al. Nat. Chem. Biol. 14, 680–687 (2018)

Noninvasive blood tests for fetal development predict gestational age and preterm delivery

Ngo, T.T.M. et al. Science 360, 1133–1136 (2018)

A human anti-IL-2 antibody that potentiates regulatory T cells by a structure-based mechanism

Trotta, E. et al. Nat. Med. 24, 1005–1014 (2018)

Multi-Omics Factor Analysis—a framework for unsupervised integration of multi-omics data sets

Argelaguet, R. et al. Mol. Syst. Biol. 14, e8124 (2018)

Large-scale replicated field study of maize rhizosphere identifies heritable microbes

Walters, W.A. et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 115, 7368–7373 (2018)