Papers from the literature selected by the Nature Biotechnology editors. (Follow us on Twitter, @NatureBiotech #nbtHighlight)

Classification of common human diseases derived from shared genetic and environmental determinants

Wang, K., Gaitsch, H., Poon, H., Cox, N.J. & Rzhetsky, A. Nat. Genet. doi:10.1038/ng.3931 (2017)

Dual ifgMosaic: a versatile method for multispectral and combinatorial mosaic gene-function analysis

Pontes-Quero, S. et al. Cell 170, 800–814.e18 (2017)

Identification of essential genes for cancer immunotherapy

Patel, S.J. et al. Nature doi:10.1038/nature23477 (2017)

In vivo CRISPR screening identifies Ptpn2 as a cancer immunotherapy target

Manguso, R.T. et al. Nature 547, 413–418 (2017)

Simultaneous epitope and transcriptome measurement in single cells

Stoeckius, M. et al. Nat. Methods doi:10.1038/nmeth.4380 (2017)

Mismatch repair deficiency predicts response of solid tumors to PD-1 blockade

Le, D.T. et al. Science 357, 409–413 (2017)