Correction to: Int J Obesity (2007) 31, 131–137; doi:10.1038/sj.ijo.0803353; published online 2 May 2006

The authors have noticed that there is an error in Table 2. The units are shown as kJ min−1 but the values presented are in kcal min−1. The revised table is shown below.

Table 2 Mean absolute resting energy expenditure (REE), absolute and percentage laughter EE increase (LEE), resting heart rate (HR) and absolute and percentage laughter HR in dyads during rest (30 min) and during viewing film clips selected to evoke laughter (n=4, 40 min)a

The last statement in Abstract should read:

Conclusion: Genuine voiced laughter causes a 10–20% increase in EE and HR above resting values, which means that 10–15 minutes of laughter per day could increase total EE by 10–40 kJ (2–10 kcal).

The authors would like to apologise for their error.