Hello readers! It's great to be back editing your favourite dental team magazine once again. I would like to thank David Westgarth who has done a cracking job (in the northern vernacular) of managing BDJ Team while I was on maternity leave.

David has even paved the way for this February issue and I am delighted to bring you the second article from one of our reader panel members, Rachael England, who describes life as a hygienist in Dubai. ‘It's not unusual to meet people who have lions as pets and just a few weeks ago Jackie Chan was in a helicopter outside my apartment!’ says Rachael. Read more on page 12.

In our free CPD article this month, we look at infection prevention and control in your practice, a core topic for all dental care professionals (DCPs). Speaking of CPD, all CPD questions published on our site from this year are available for six months, so don't hang around if you want to get your free hours! www.nature.com/bdjteamcpd

In our presidential column this month we meet Janet Goodwin, President of the British Dental Health Foundation. Janet tells us about the Foundation's annual campaigns and how she hopes to use her role to influence the state of the nation's oral health.

Are you a social media addict? Sharing photos of your dinner, the weather and the lovely bouquet of flowers you've received for Valentine's may be fun, but when you're using social media to promote your practice, make sure you read our top ten tips that every dental practice should know, on page 13.

How does the multi-disciplinary team contribute where prosthodontics is concerned? Read the original article from speciality trainee Raj Dubal and core trainee Shabana Buth on page 8.

If you are thinking of submitting an original article to BDJ Team, please do! I am always thrilled to hear from potential contributors, whether you're writing a personal account, summarising research, or you think you would make a good interviewee. I look forward to hearing from you, so drop me a line.