Afton is a 25-year-old dental nurse at Ivory Dental Care in Blackpool. She lives with her partner Nathaniel and her dog Jessie

Name: Afton McKechnie

Age: 25

Job title: Dental Nurse.

Town: Blackpool.

Workplace: Ivory Dental Care.

Marital status: Co-habiting.

Partner's name and job: Nathaniel – Litigation Manager.

Children and names: N/A

How long have you worked in dentistry? Five years.

Why did you choose dentistry for your career? Dentistry has always interested me since I was a young girl. I always used to ask my dentist questions.

Do you have any special responsibilities within your dental practice/workplace? I am responsible for training new Dental Nurse Cadets and Ivory Dental Care social media.

What do you like best about your job? The team I work with.

What is the most challenging part of your job? Time-keeping.

What do you like to do outside work? Socialise with friends, spend time with family and go on holidays.

Tell us a secret. I used to have a crush on a young Jean Claude Van Damme.

What do you like about BDJ Team? It's very friendly and informative.

What three things could you not live without (besides people)? My dog, my toothbrush and bananas!