Angela Shutt

Angela is a 33-year-old dental nurse and practice manager at Harrowgate Hill Dental Practice in Darlington, County Durham. Angela lives with her partner James, a sales manager, and her children Chloe (15) and Nathan (6)

How long have you worked in dentistry? 13 years (qualified 2002).

Why did you choose dentistry for your career? After having extensive ortho work in my teens, I was always fascinated by the role of the dental nurse and everything they had to do.

Do you have any special responsibilities within your dental practice? I started working at my current practice 2 days a week steadily increasing my hours around my children. I was asked to take over the managerial roll in 2006 and over saw the installation of our CSU. I missed the surgery aspect of the role that I now get to nurse 1 day a week as well as coordinating our weekly domiciliary visits in which I attend with our principal.

What do you like best about your job? The satisfaction of seeing someone happy with the service they are provided with.

What is the most challenging part of your job? I have learnt over time you cannot please everyone at once but always try your best to do what is right by people.

What do you like to do outside work? Walking, gardening, eating out and travelling.

Tell us a secret. No that would be telling!!

What do you like about BDJ Team? It gives a great insight to all aspects of the dental profession. Great informative articles.

What three things could you not live without (besides people)? My dogs, my car and my bed.