Hundreds of dental technicians, laboratory owners and clinical dental technicians (CDTs) attended the British Dental Industry Association (BDIA) Tech Show in May, a new venture for the BDIA run in partnership with the Dental Technologists Association (DTA).

Delegates sampled a selection of over 60 live demonstrations and talks, hands-on masterclasses, a trade exhibition and lectures from world class speakers at Coventry's Ricoh Arena.

Tech Show offered arguably the widest scope of any technician-facing event in the UK for many years. DTA President Mike McGlynn said: ‘We were delighted to be part of Tech Show which offered so many fascinating and insightful sessions to visitors, combined with the opportunity to meet their favourite suppliers, watch the product demonstrations and learn about many new products and systems’.

Tech Show exhibitors took full advantage of the event with a range of new product launches and an array of stands and product displays, including the milling, digital printing and imaging technologies that are revolutionising laboratory work.

BDIA Executive Director Tony Reed said: ‘Tech Show indicates that there are clear distinctions between what different members of the dental team want and require from dental shows. Our Tech Show experience demonstrated that technicians are interested in close-up, practical demonstrations with interactive activities and hands-on involvement’.

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