Nature Chemistry ( has finally arrived! In a post in The Sceptical Chymist (, associate editor Neil Withers announces the first issue, which is “freely available for everyone to read and (hopefully) enjoy”.

Uppsala University postdoc and blogger Egon Willighagen has already taken a look ( In his 19 March post, he happily notes that many of the papers have data-rich 'compound pages' in which readers can click on a compound number to view a full structure, with links to online databases.

In other papers, readers can click on the 'Show compounds' link that appears in the right-hand navigation panel and compound names in the text will be highlighted. Clicking these names reveals links to PubChem and ChemSpider.

Willighagen concludes that “Nature Chemistry really changes publishing of chemistry”. In addition to the usual mix of research articles, reviews, News and Views and Research Highlights, the journal includes Blogroll, a quick overview of what has caught the editors' eyes in the blogosphere.