

Case report

A 39-year-old female patient presented to our A+E Department 12 h after taking an overdose of quinine sulphate (300 mg tablets × 28).

She complained of blurred vision and nausea. Blood pressure was 105/55 mmHg, pulse 144 min−1, ECG showed sinus-tachycardia. Intravenous fluids, antiemetics, and 50 g of activated charcoal were administered.

After 6 h, the right visual acuity (RVA) deteriorated to hand movements. The left eye was amblyopic, pre-existing acuity being perception of light (PL). She was referred to ophthalmology the next day.

At the first ophthalmology review (40 h after overdose), visual acuity was PL bilaterally with inaccurate projection. Pupils were dilated with sluggish direct and consensual responses. Fundoscopy showed attenuated arteries, retinal pallor and normal discs (Figures 1 and 2). Fluorescein angiogram (FFA) demonstrated normal arm-to-circulation time with bilateral rapid disc filling in the choroidal phase. Arterio-venous transit time was within normal limits with no evidence of damage to the outer blood retinal barrier. Oral nimodipine (60 mg × 6 day−1) was started.

Figure 1
figure 1

Colour fundus photograph of right eye.

Figure 2
figure 2

Left eye of case of ocular quinine toxicity 40 h after overdose demonstrating marked arteriolar attenuation and retinal pallor.

Vision remained unchanged by the fourth admission day, so intravenous clonidine infusion (300 μg/24 h) was administered for 24 h in HDU. Right stellate ganglion block (SGB) (ropivicaine1% 10 ml) was performed 1 hr after the start of the infusion without complication.

On the seventh admission day RVA started to improve. By day 9, RVA was 6/12 unaided, 6/9 with pinhole. The left amblyopic eye remaining PL. Fundoscopy showed arteriolar attenuation with pale discs. Right colour vision was impaired (17/21 Ishihara plates correct) with grossly constricted visual field.

After 1 month, RVA was 6/9+2 with pinhole, LVA was PL. Optic discs were atrophic and arteries attenuated. She was registered blind due to single grossly constricted visual field.


Ocular quinine toxicity produces symptoms of blurred/loss of vision, defective colour vision, and constricted visual field. Boland's study of 165 cases reported visual disturbance in 42% of cases1. Symptoms are likely to occur after a single dose of >4 g and death can occur with doses of 8 g.2

Proposed mechanisms of quinine toxicity include direct toxic damage to neuroretina or ischaemia secondary to arterial vasoconstriction.3 The resulting generalised vasospasm without alteration of the blood-retinal barrier accounts for the angiographic features seen in Figures 1 and 2.

Our case presented late (>40 h) for ophthalmology assessment with reduced visual acuity, dilated, sluggish pupils, and retinal arterial attenuation. As vasodilatory treatments such as intravenous nitrates have been reported to improve outcome,4 we administered a combination of vasodilatory treatments—oral nimodipine, clonidine infusion, and SGB. Favourable outcome has been reported with SGB when administered early.5 Risk of complications including haemo/pneumothorax, intra-arterial injection, phrenic or recurrent-laryngeal block must be considered. In our patient, a unilateral block was performed late without complication on the side of the nonamblyopic eye.

Right visual acuity improved 48 h after the above treatment continuing over the next 2 days. It was not possible to quantify the effect of treatment on the left eye due to pre-existing amblyopic.

Interventional case reports in the literature to date have only involved early intervention, often before the onset of symptoms. Our case illustrates that a combination of therapeutic interventions to improve retinal blood flow may aid in recovery, even in cases presenting late.