
Endodontic treatment is a viable therapy to restore a tooth in presence of extensive dental caries or pulp infection. Endodontically treated teeth usually present lower amount of remaining dental structure, so to get prosthetic stability and retention, after the removal of necrotic dental tissue, intraradicular posts are one possible option. However, intraradicular posts can lead to some complications such as root fracture, crown/restoration fracture, debonding and fracture of the post, crown dislodgement, post-core-crown complex loosening.1,2,3

The systematic review had the aim of investigating the relationships between the presence of fibre posts in abutment teeth and the occurrence of endodontic and prosthetic complications in the presence of single crowns and fixed dental prostheses, in patients with periodontal status ad integrum.

The review included studies that fulfill the PICO question, however, some of the characteristics of the included studies are not similar. The selection of tooth type varies – two studies included only premolars and the other two studies included any tooth, but no study specified if the tooth is mandibular or maxillary. Furthermore, the amount of residual coronal structure analysed is discrepant among the four studies and they do not use the same parameters (walls/ferrule/%/Black classification).

The quality and heterogeneity of the four RCTs may be questionable. The four studies did not calculate the sample size, the authors categorised other studies at high risk of bias due to problems with blinding and withdrawing. The studies also have different follow-ups ranging from 36 to 72 months and moreover the operator in each study has a different type of experience (undergraduate students/endodontist).

The authors have to present the results in a narrative assessment since the results extracted and the variability among the studies preclude them to perform a meta-analysis.

For what the authors conclude fibre post debonding and crown dislodgment is the most frequently reported outcome and the preservation of tooth structure seems to reduce the risk of failure, however, the results with some caveats should be interpreted with caution due to the limited quality of the available evidence presented by the review.