
Dental health professionals are regularly involved in activities designed to help people to change their health-related knowledge, attitudes and behaviour. There have been a number of specific reviews related to the effectiveness of oral health education and promotion.1, 2, 3, 4, 5 This new guidance from NICE has been developed using standard procedures for public health programmes and provides a set of generic principles that can be used as the basis for planning, delivering and evaluating public health activities aimed at changing health-related behaviours. The guidance provides a useful update to the more specific oral health reviews and this reinforces many of the issues raised in those reviews.

The appendices in the full guideline provide helpful short summaries of the key behaviour theories but recognise that the reviews conducted for the guidelines were unable to capture all the material related to the very broad behaviour-change field.

This guidance reminds us of the difficulties not only in changing behaviour but understanding how this is achieved, and how we should plan and develop programmes to achieve behaviour change. This should be a starting point for all those engaged in these processes.