'X' = UL2 missing following post mortem

Thames Valley Police are requesting the help of dentists to identify a body found in woodland in December last year in Reading, Berkshire.

The individual had been dead for several months, and all efforts to date by both the police and the coroner's office have not resolved the issue of who this person is.

Photograph demonstrating incisal tooth wear on UL3

Established to date is that he was a male, his hair was black and quite long, possibly in a pony tail. He had a gold stud earring in his left ear and was approximately six feet tall.

The two lower second molars showing the extent of the amalgams. Lower left 7 has been root filled

One distinguishing feature was that he had what is known as a foot drop splint on his right foot/leg.

Enquiries in relation to this have not helped to identify him though the police have been informed that with this type of splint he would either have walked with a limp or at least dragged his foot. He was believed to be around 40 years-of-age but a plus or minus of ten years must be considered.

Several of the fillings, especially those inserted in UR6 (labelled '1' in dental chart below) were probably inserted recently and LL7 has been root filled.

Dental Chart. 1. Recent amalgam filling 2. Upper left lateral incisor lost post mortem (removed by hospital pathologist) 3. Heavily restored lower right second molar (LR7) 4. Heavily restored lower left second molar (LL7)

Anyone who has information which could help identify the individual should contact P.C. Paul Beecroft, (P.C. 2386) on telephone number 0118 953 6153, or by email at Paul.Beecroft@thamesvalley.pnn.police.uk.