
Can audit improve antibiotic prescribing in general dental practice? by N. A. O. Palmer, Y. M. Dailey and M. V. Martin Br Dent J 2001; 191: 253–255


This is a timely article reinforcing the links with clinical audit, continuing professional development and the on-going publication of clinical guidelines documents. There is also an increasing awareness of the rigour, which should be applied when prescribing antibiotics, not only in dental practice but also across the medical professions. That prescriptions issued by 176 dentists fell from 2,316 during 6-week period to 1,330 during a similar period at the end of the study shows the impact of education coupled with the provision of guidelines can have on the quality of patient care. It also questions the validity of their earlier practice. This paper reports an excellent example of increased awareness of relevant clinical guidelines enhancing clinical performance.

Clinical Audit in general dental practice under the GDS scheme has tended to look at structure and process aspects of practice with recurring audits concerning radiographs.1 That something as critical to life as the use of antibiotic should be chosen to audit is laudable and the often-made assertion that the production of guidelines and educational initiatives will have an effect on clinical practice is supported by the findings.

A surprisingly large number of dentists, 175 out of the 932 invited to join agreed to participate in the study. These dentists worked in groups of 8–10 as a collaborative audit with all the individuals and groups working to the same protocol. It could be described as a collaboration of collaborative audits. The data collection pro-forma was universal to all the groups. A pre-test period covering 6 weeks data collection was carried out and the results reviewed. These interim finding provided the agenda for a series of educational meetings in which the anomalies in prescribing were addressed and the FGDP Guidelines on Anti-microbial Prescribing introduced. It is not known whether some of the practitioners were aware of this publication before the initial data collection. Following the educational phase a similar period of data collection was carried out and the results analysed and subjected to statistical tests.

The findings that there was a reduction of 42.5% in antibiotic prescribing can be described as dramatic and the reduced risks to patients cannot be underestimated. However the paper also states that one medical condition, that of 'Murmur' (heart) attracted marked reduction of 51.7% in prescriptions issued after the education related to heart murmurs. Why this should be is not stated but presumably dentists were contacting their patient's medical advisers and discussing the need for prophylactic cover for dental treatment.

That prescriptions had been issued for 'diagnostic purposes' and 'because of pressure of time' and 'patient expectations' is worrying but it is very encouraging to find that following education these had reduced significantly.

Anecdotally antibiotic prescribing is learnt at undergraduate level and later through colleagues and mentors in the early stages of practice. This paper should encourage all dentists to examine their own prescribing habits and compare them with current guidelines.

A positive introduction of clinical guidelines was shown to have benefit to patients. The authors and supporters of this work should be congratulated for the initiative and it should be a model for other areas of the country to follow.