

The fast-food giant has vowed to convert all its UK distribution trucks to run on biodiesel — created from its huge stock of cooking oil.

Albert Gore

Al Gore's son has been caught speeding at 160 kilometres per hour in a Toyota Prius hybrid car. The offence doubles as a handy demonstration of low-carbon technology in the week of his Dad's Live Earth concerts...

Number crunch

3 crew members are currently on board the International Space Station.

6 will be the size of the crew by 2009.

$19 million is the amount NASA has just spent on a new toilet system to keep them in the lap of luxury.

Showbiz news

The Horrible Girls from CERN

Fans of particle-physics-based pop music rejoice: later this month, CERN — Europe's particle-physics laboratory near Geneva, Switzerland — will host its annual 'Hardronic Festival', featuring the long-awaited return of the band Les Horribles Cernettes. Alongside hits such as Mr Higgs and Every Proton of You, their photo is rumoured to be the first image ever posted on the Internet.

On the record

“Another female. It wasn't me.”

The response of Michigan state forensic scientist Ann Chamberlain-Gordon during her divorce trial, when asked what she had found when she used resources from her lab to analyse the DNA in her husband's underwear.

Sources: BBC, Toronto Star, Associated Press,