
Full picture: female physiologists, thought to be M. K. Petrova and (far right) M. N. Yerofeyeva. Credit: SPL

Your informative News Feature “Eyes on the prize” (Nature 413, 560–564; 2001) contains a photo of the Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov, winner of the 1904 Nobel prize, with male colleagues and one of the dogs he used to discover the existence of the conditioned reflex.

Some years ago, I came across the original photograph, which also shows two women from Pavlov's team. One may have been Dr Maria Kapitonovna Petrova and the other Dr Maria Nikolayevna Yerofeyeva. Perhaps your readers may have definite information about their identity?

The existence of these women left on the cutting-room floor has been, like so many others, excised from history. Women scientists deserve better treatment today.