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Clouds without supersaturation


Traditional Köhler theory1 describes the equilibrium vapour-pressure relationship between liquid solution particles and humid air. Here we present the concept of multiphase-multicomponent Köhler theory, which reveals that stable cloud droplets of size 1-10 μm could exist in air with a relative humidity of less than 100%. This may explain the occurrence of persistent large-droplet fogs or smogs such as previously existed in London and which are now found in various heavily polluted locations, near the exits of chimneys and in the plumes of volcanoes.

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Figure 1: Figure 1a, Conventional Köhler curve for a 30 nm dry particle consisting of ammonium sulphate at 298 K.


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Kulmala, M., Laaksonen, A., J.Charlson, R. et al. Clouds without supersaturation. Nature 388, 336–337 (1997).

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