Hamilton SR Aaltonen LA, editors:

Pathology and Genetics of Tumours of the Digestive System 314 pp, Lyon, France, IARC Press 2000 ($75.00).

This is the second volume in the new WHO series on Histologic and Genetic Typing of Human Tumors. In this volume, the authors provide a review of the neoplasms of the alimentary tract including the esophagus, gastrointestinal tract, liver, biliary system, and exocrine pancreas. Each chapter is dedicated to a discussion of a specific organ and is divided into sections. The sections discuss the specific tumors of the organ or site and are authored by distinguished investigators in the respective areas. The chapters begin with the WHO histologic classification of tumors, the TMN classification, and stage grouping. Each section within the chapter begins with the WHO definition of the tumor(s), the ICD-O codes, followed by sections on the epidemiology, etiology, clinical features, including imaging (both endoscopic and radiographic), microscopy, staging, and grading. What is so beneficial in this monograph is that in each section the authors present an excellent summary of the genetics of the tumors. There are outstanding photographs throughout the textbook, demonstrating the macroscopic and microscopic features of the tumor, as well as excellent figures. The textbook, by its complete discussions of the clinical, pathologic, and genetic information, provides a unique opportunity for clinicians, pathologists, and geneticists to have a reference text (with more than 2000 citations) pertaining to alimentary system tumors suitable for all. This should be present in all departments of Medicine and Pathology/resident's libraries. In summary, this is a superb effort on the part of the editors and the contributors and is highly recommended.