Cibas E and Ducatman B:

Cytology: Diagnostic Principles and Clinical Correlates (2nd ed), 456 pp, Philadelphia, PA, Churchill Livingstone 2003 ($125.00)

Despite the fact that I did not have the privilege to review the first edition of this book authored by Dr Cibas and Ducatman, I am very satisfied with the second edition. Not only this edition is concise, but also is quite comprehensive and systematic. It includes all aspects of Cytopathology, whether you are looking for an exfoliative or an aspiration biopsy issue. The book is user friendly, easy to read, and makes your quest for an answer not only enjoyable but also highly educational. There are more than 500 high-quality color illustrations, in addition to capsule summaries and important tables. The cytological findings are coupled with the appropriate histological correlates in the same area, which makes it easier to understand and difficult to forget. The differential diagnosis is elegantly discussed in a systematic manner with concise points essential to resolve a diagnostic dilemma. This is also emphasized and illustrated in the different valuable tables throughout the whole chapters. Additional important immunophenotypic features whether performed by immunohistochemistry or flow cytometry are also included driving you through the differential diagnosis under investigation. The authors also provide updated information and guidelines pertaining to the recent classifications of different lesions from dealing with abnormal cervical cytology up to modern approach to lymphoid neoplasms by fine-needle aspiration. The flowcharts and algorithms illustrated in this book provide guidelines not only to pathologists but also to treating clinicians. Having a separate chapter on Laboratory management makes this book unique and gives the reader clear guidelines for quality control, billing, and safety issues.

The second edition of Cytology: diagnostic principles and clinical correlates is an excellent asset to have in your library for comprehensive, concise, and quick reference textbook of Cytopathology. It is geared to cytopathologists, practicing pathologists, residents, and cytotechnologists.