A first port of call for those interested in the history of neuroscience should be the Neuroscience History Archives (NHA). This organization promotes, collects and preserves an archive of material relating to twentieth century American neuroscience. The NHA was established in 1980 at the Brain Research Institute, University of California, Los Angeles, with support from the National Library of Medicine and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. The organization preserves the papers and records of neuroscientists and their professional organizations, and so promotes and facilitates research and education in the history of neuroscience.

The website for the NHA has links to several related sites such as RETICULUM, the Neurosciences History Resource and the excellent Women in Neuroscience site. Intriguing links on this site lead to brochures published by the Society of American Archivists that provide guidance for donating records and papers to a repository. Food for thought…