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Calcium Shift into Bone causing Transient Hypocalcaemia after Injection of Parathyroid Hormone


AFTER intravenous injection of parathyroid hormone (PTH) in man and several animals, the plasma calcium concentration decreases transiently before rising, and this effect is usually attributed to calcitonin contamination of the parathyroid hormone. We now report an investigation in the rat with calcitonin-free hormone which shows that the transient hypocalcaemia is due to PTH itself and results from a rapid flow of calcium into the skeleton. These results supply evidence to strengthen current suggestions that entry of calcium into bone cells occurs very early in the response of PTH and may represent its primary action.

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PARSONS, J., ROBINSON, C. Calcium Shift into Bone causing Transient Hypocalcaemia after Injection of Parathyroid Hormone. Nature 230, 581–582 (1971).

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