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Second Congress of the Universities of the Empire, 1921: Report of Proceedings


THE Report of the Proceedings of the Second Congress of the Universities of the Empire held at Oxford on July 5–8, 1921, has just been published as a volume of more than five hundred pages. It will be recalled that the first of these Congresses was held in 1912, and, but for the intervention of the war, would have been followed by the second in 1917. Fifty-nine universities—six more than in 1912—sent upwards of three hundred delegates and representatives to it. The main topics under discussion were the balance of studies; the teaching of civics, politics, and social economics; secondary education; adult education; technological education; the training for commerce, industry, and administration; the training of school teachers; finance; research; and the interchange of teachers and students—all, of course, with reference to the universities. Such a varied and comprehensive programme required some skill in arranging and handling, and Dr. Hill is to be congratulated on the way Jie has edited the Report.

Second Congress of the Universities of the Empire, 1921: Report of Proceedings.

Edited by Dr. Alex. Hill. Pp. liv + 452. (London: Published for the Universities Bureau of the British Empire by G. Bell and Sons, Ltd., 1921.) 21s. net.

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Second Congress of the Universities of the Empire, 1921: Report of Proceedings. Nature 109, 407–408 (1922).

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