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  • Books Received
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(1) Osmotic Pressure (2) The Organometallic Compounds of Zinc and Magnesium (3) The Chemistry of Dyeing (4) V. v. Richter's Chemie der Kohlenstoffverbindungen oder organische Chemie (5) Traité Complet d'Analyse Chimique Appliquée aux Essais Industriels (6) Traité de Chimie Minérale (7) Laboratory Text-Book of Chemistry


(1) THOSE who have read Dr. Findlay's book on the phase rule will have formed great expectations of his promised monograph on osmotic pressure, and we believe they will not be disappointed. The expression osmotic pressure of a solution has become a familiar one both to chemists and biologists, though, as Dr. Findlay is careful to point out, it is incorrect. A solution does not in itself have any osmotic pressure, the term being loosely used to denote the mechanical pressure which would be produced if the solution were separated from the pure solvent by a membrane which was permeable only to the solvent. The confusion of thought which has arisen in connection with the subject, especially amongst the biologists, is unfortunately very considerable, so that Dr. Findlay's clear treatise comes at an opportune moment and should be widely read. Although necessarily mathematical in parts, it is not unduly so, even for the biological reader.

(1) Osmotic Pressure.

By Prof. A. Findlay. Pp. vi + 84. (London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1913.) Price 2s. 6d. net.

(2) The Organometallic Compounds of Zinc and Magnesium.

By Dr. Henry Wren. Pp. viii + 100. (London: Gurney and Jackson, 1913.) Price 1s. 6d. net.

(3) The Chemistry of Dyeing.

By Dr. J. K. Wood. Pp. vii + 80. (London: Gurney and Jackson, 1913.) Price is. 6d. net.

(4) V. v. Richter's Chemie der Kohlenstoffverbindungen oder organische Chemie.

Elite Auflage. Zweiter Band. Carbocyclische und heterocyclische Verbindungen. Neu bearbeitet von Dr. Richard Anschutz. In Gemeinschaft mit Dr. Hans Meerwein. Pp xxii + 1048. (Bonn: Friedrich Cohen, 1913.) Price 26 marks.

(5) Traité Complet d'Analyse Chimique Appliquée aux Essais Industriels.

By Prof. J. Post Prof. B. Neumann. Deuxième Edition Française Entièrement Refondue par G. Chenu et M. Pellet. Tome Troisième. Second Fascicule. Pp. 465-903 + v. (Paris: A. Hermann et Fils, 1913.) Price 15 francs.

(6) Traité de Chimie Minérale.

By H. Erdmann. Ouvrage traduit sur la 5e édition allemande par Prof. A. Corvisy. Tome Premier. Introduction à la Chimie et Métalloïdes. Pp. iv + 559. (Paris: A. Hermann et Fils, 1913.) Price 12 francs.

(7) Laboratory Text-Book of Chemistry.

By V. Seymour Bryant. Part 1. Pp. vi + 246. (London: J. and A. Churchill, 1913.) Price 4s. net.

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A., E. (1) Osmotic Pressure (2) The Organometallic Compounds of Zinc and Magnesium (3) The Chemistry of Dyeing (4) V. v. Richter's Chemie der Kohlenstoffverbindungen oder organische Chemie (5) Traité Complet d'Analyse Chimique Appliquée aux Essais Industriels (6) Traité de Chimie Minérale (7) Laboratory Text-Book of Chemistry. Nature 92, 261–263 (1913).

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