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Impact of transient correction of increased adrenocortical activity in hypothalamo-damaged, hyperadipose female rats



To explore the effects of transient correction of enhanced corticoadrenal activity in monosodium L-glutamate (MSG)-damaged female rats on peripheral insulin sensitivity and in vitro retroperitoneal (RP) adipocyte function.


A dose of 4 mg/g body weight (BW) of MSG or vehicle (CTR) was i.p. injected, once every 2 days, between days 2 and 10 of age, in female rats. Intact and 21 day-operated (sham or adrenal enucleation (AE)) rats from both (CTR and MSG) groups were used for experimentation on day 120 of age. Circulating levels of several hormones, in basal and after i.v. high-glucose load conditions, and RP adiposity morphology and function were then evaluated.


MSG rats developed increased adrenocortical function, hyperadiposity, hyperleptinemia, hyperinsulinemia and decreased peripheral insulin sensitivity. These characteristics were fully reversed after transient correction of corticoadrenal hyperactivity induced by AE. In addition, in vitro experimentation with isolated RP adipocytes indicated that cells from intact MSG animals displayed decreased sensitivity to insulin and dexamethasone stimulation of leptin secretion. Interestingly, adipocyte dysfunction in MSG rats was fully abrogated after AE-induced transient correction of insulinemia, leptinemia and adrenocortical activity. Importantly, the reversion of these metabolic abnormalities, induced by AE for 21 days, in MSG animals did occur, despite no significant changes in BW values.


Our results support that the changes in adipocyte characteristics and peripheral insulin resistance, developed in this pseudo-obese female rat model, are mainly due to increased glucocorticoid production. Importantly, appropriate correction of the enhanced adrenocortical activity fully reversed these abnormal functions.

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We are indebted to Ing. O Vercellini for animal care and Mrs C Ferese for histological preparations. The editorial assistance of Mrs SH Rogers in the correction of the manuscript is deeply recognized. This study was partly supported by grants from the Fondation de Recherche en Endocrinologie 05/06 (ES), FONCyT (PICT 5191/99) (ES), UNLP (11/M086) (GC) and FNSR (3200BO-105657/1) (RCG).

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Moreno, G., Perelló, M., Camihort, G. et al. Impact of transient correction of increased adrenocortical activity in hypothalamo-damaged, hyperadipose female rats. Int J Obes 30, 73–82 (2006).

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