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Hygienische Meteorologie


NO long preface is needed to prove that meteorology and hygiene have a close and intimate connection, or that the study of both sciences may be mutually helpful. The exhibition of a small death-rate does not exhaust the whole of the problems with which hygiene busies itself. All that tends to ameliorate the condition of the human race, all that ministers to the comfort or promotes the well-being of the individual, is cared for by the student of hygiene. That climate and the phenomena, which we recognise under the comprehensive term “weather,” have an intimate connection with the health and comfort of the race, will not be seriously denied, whatever different views may be held as to the precise manner, and to what degree, the condition of the atmosphere can operate on individual cases. Some knowledge of meteorology has hitherto been demanded from candidates for diplomas in sanitary science, public health, or State medicine; and, judging from the rules adopted by the Council, December 1, 1893, the conditions of the examination will in future demand a still closer acquaintance, since the applicant is required to show the possession of a “distinctively high proficiency, scientific and practical, in all the branches of study which concern the public health.” To those who seek something more than a bare superficial knowledge of meteorology, this book will be very welcome, and not only to those who desire diplomas, but to the larger, though less specially instructed, class who desire the welfare of the human family.

Hygienische Meteorologie.

Für Ärtze und Naturforscher Von Prof. Dr. W. J. van Bebber, Abtheilungs Vorstand der deutschen Seewarte in Hamburg. (Stuttgart: Ferd. Enke, 1895.)

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Hygienische Meteorologie. Nature 52, 49–50 (1895).

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