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Dr. Chambers's “Manual of Diet


THERE are many writers who, immediately they place pen to paper, seem to be affected with a certain formality of diction and severity of style which prevents them doing justice to their subject in the eyes of the more easily satisfied public, who, while desiring instruction, prefer it to be mixed with a certain amount of that form of interest which can be given it by an apparent “at home-ness” on the part of the author. Dr. Chambers does not suffer from this fault. In the work before us he has produced one of the most readable as well as practical manuals on diet which we could want to see. The interest is maintained from beginning to end, and much valuable information is given on many of the important topics of everyday life without the uncomfortable sensation of any effort being needed to obtain it.

A Manual of Diet in Health and Disease.

By T. King Chambers. (Smith, Elder, and Co., 1875.)

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Dr. Chambers's “Manual of Diet”. Nature 12, 64–65 (1875).

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