Modeling gut neuro-epithelial connections in a novel microfluidic device

Copyright© 2020 J.M. de Hoyos-Vega, X. Yu, A.M. Gonzalez-Suarez, S. Chen, A. Mercado-Perez, E. Krueger, J. Hernandez, Y. Fedyshyn, B.R. Druliner, D.R. Linden, A. Beyder and A. Revzin/Mayo Clinic


  • Microsystems & Nanoengineering welcomes submissions to the special issue on ‘Advanced Technologies of Microsystems & Nanoengineering in the Greater Bay Area’. Manuscript submission due date: 30 October, 2024.

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    This year marks the 40th anniversary of Hilton Head. MINE sponsors 3 outstanding paper awards at Hilton Head 2024! By this award we recognize the highest-ranked submissions to the conference. Award ceremony will be held at 6 June, Hilton Head 2024 Workshop. Come and meet our Executive Editor-in-Chief Professor Tianhong Cui at Hilton Head 2024!

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    MINE sponsors 1 Test of Time Award and 4 Best Oral Award in MicroTAS 2024-one of the top conferences in the fields. We recognize research that is still impacting today's research in the filed of microfluidics and the four best oral presentations. Winners will be invited for MINE MicroTAS 2024 Special Issue! MINE will attend MicroTAS 2024, come and meet Executive Editor-in-Chief at Booth 28!

  • Written by top scientists in the field, click through to read all our latest reviews.



Micro Devices and Microsystems of Brain Computer Interface

This special issue gives a comprehensive discussion of Micro Devices and Microsystems of Brain Computer Interface in the following key points: Neural Microelectrode Array, Microchips for Detection and Stimulation, Deep Brain Stimulation. Related papers with yearly progressive increase indicates that Micro Devices and Microsystems of Brain Computer Interface as promising micro- and nano-sensor technologies are of great interest. Thus, it is extremely important to promote the development of Novel Devices and Microsystems of Brain Computer Interface. We hope our readers enjoy finding out about work being done in the field of Micro Devices and Microsystems of Brain Computer Interface in Microsystems and Nanoengineering.
