Systems biology articles within Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology


  • Review Article |

    Cardiotoxic effects of chemotherapy can occur in various different ways depending upon the type of chemotherapy used and various patient characteristics. In this Review, the authors describe the established cardiotoxic effects of anthracyclines and HER2 inhibitors, and describe a systems medicine approach that might enable the optimal management of acute and chronic cardiotoxcities in patients who are receiving, or have received, these therapies.

    • Sherry-Ann Brown
    • , Nicole Sandhu
    •  & Joerg Herrmann
  • Review Article |

    Systems biology approaches are beginning to provide information that will enable a more complete view of how the genomic and epigenetic aberrations in cancer cells can alter the homeostasis of signalling networks within the tumour and surrounding microenvironment, both at the organ and organism level. This Review describes the potential of these systems-based approaches and how they are becoming vital for the development and implementation of effective drug discovery and personalized cancer therapy.

    • Henrica M. J. Werner
    • , Gordon B. Mills
    •  & Prahlad T. Ram