Publishing articles within Nature Photonics


  • Editorial |

    Duplicate publication dilutes science and we strive to avoid it.

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    Peer review is arguably the most important process a paper must pass through on its journey to being published in a journal.

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    Would you welcome or loathe the ability to post online comments on articles published in Nature Photonics?

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    Electronic books have really begun to take off in the past few years. Siân Harris finds out about a display company that has helped this to happen.

    • Siân Harris
  • Editorial |

    Given that an article can't be published until any artwork issues are resolved, it makes sense to get it right first time and avoid delays.

  • Editorial |

    Do you have a strong opinion or comment that you think would be valuable to share with the optics community? Then why not make use of our correspondence section.

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    An iPhone application for browsing content may change the way we access research news.

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    The recent explosion of e-readers onto the market, along with the news that Amazon is now selling more e-books than physical copies, suggests that our reading habits are finally changing.