Optical techniques articles within Polymer Journal


  • Original Article |

    A bis(tert-butyl) isophthalate (B-IP) was utilized as a dissolution inhibitor in chemically amplified three-components resist. In extreme ultraviolet (EUV) exposed area, tert-butyl groups of B-IP were decomposed by the effect of protons generated from photo-acid generator, and B-IP was converted to a carboxylic acid, being played a role of dissolution promoter. Furthermore, B-IP was acted as a plasticizer in the resist and the protons were diffused through the resist easily. The resist containing B-IP was improved its sensitivity and dissolution contrast, although the properties are a relation of trade-off.

    • Hideo Horibe
    • , Keita Ishiguro
    •  & Seiichi Tagawa
  • Original Article |

    The surface of polyimide (PI) film was successfully patterned by nanoimprinting poly(amic acid) (PAA) film and then hard baking. An appropriate nanoimprinting process was established through the study of the thermal and dynamic mechanical properties of PAA and PI film. Atomic force microscopy revealed that line pattern was transferred from silicon mold to PI film successfully and the nanostructures remain undamaged even though a larger shrinkage took place during the hard baking.

    • Sudu Siqing
    • , Hui Wu
    •  & Atsushi Takahara
  • Invited Review |

    The design and preparation of azobenzene-containing polymers showing a large photoinduced change in refractive index, and their applications to rewritable Raman-Nath and Bragg holograms are reviewed. Holographic performance has been remarkably improved with regard to diffraction efficiency, response time and multiplicity by development of newly designed polymer systems.

    • Atsushi Shishido