Non-model organisms articles within Nature Methods


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    Astyanax mexicanus exists in two forms: a surface form that is abundantly distributed throughout freshwater bodies in Middle America and a blind subterranean form endemic to caves in northeastern Mexico. These diverse fish populations have become a vertebrate model for investigating the genetic basis of environmental adaptation.

    • Nicolas Rohner
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    EthoLoop enables real-time tracking and behavioral analysis of animals in naturalistic environments and can be combined with behavioral conditioning, optogenetic stimulation or wireless recording of neural activity. The system is illustrated with freely behaving mice and mouse lemurs.

    • Ali Nourizonoz
    • , Robert Zimmermann
    •  & Daniel Huber
  • Research Highlight |

    Snake venom gland organoids provide a glimpse into the cell biology of the respective organ and serve as a platform for producing snake toxins.

    • Nina Vogt
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    A miniature platform for studying corals at microscale resolution sheds new light on their biology.

    • Vesna Todorovic
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    A way to generate recombinant progeny of Plasmodium falciparum for genetics experiments, and the virtues of scuba diving.

    • Vivien Marx
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    Robots can be used to detect marked animals with less disturbance when assessing ecological drivers of population change.

    • Philip N Trathan
    •  & Louise Emmerson
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    The first fluorescent protein cloned from a vertebrate species is a promising tool for clinical diagnostics and research.

    • Michael Eisenstein
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    A gene-counting method can be used to profile gene expression differences in an organism that lacks a sequenced genome.

    • Tal Nawy