Magnetic tweezers articles within Nature Methods


  • Research Highlights |

    Magnetoplasmonic nanoparticles can manipulate cell surface receptors with single-molecule precision to clarify the effects of force application and receptor clustering.

    • Nina Vogt
  • Article |

    Single-molecule structural transitions involving DNA twisting can be measured with substantially greater spatiotemporal resolution than previously possible with a gold rotor bead tracking (AuRBT) method. This approach uses magnetic tweezers and evanescent darkfield microscopy to track a gold nanoparticle probe attached to a DNA molecule.

    • Paul Lebel
    • , Aakash Basu
    •  & Zev Bryant
  • News & Views |

    Single-molecule DNA sequencing takes an important step in a surprising new direction with a sequence-detection method based on magnetic tweezers.

    • Sten Linnarsson