Green chemistry articles within Nature


  • News |

    Molluscs with implanted biofuel cells produce electricity from glucose.

    • Richard Van Noorden
  • Comment |

    Large-scale research facilities need to reduce their energy consumption and begin moving towards sustainability, says Thomas Parker.

    • Thomas Parker
  • Feature |

    Europe's largest economy is boosting research on alternative energy sources and generating job opportunities.

    • Quirin Schiermeier
    •  & Katrin Kohnert
  • News & Views |

    With fossil-fuel supplies set to dwindle, the race is on to find ways of making fuels from renewable sources of biomass. Two experts discuss the broad strategies — biochemical and thermochemical — that have emerged as practical approaches.

    • Stephen Mayfield
    •  & P. K. Wong
  • Outlook |

    • Michelle Grayson
  • Outlook |

    Thirty five years of experience has taught one of the world's leading biofuels producers several essential lessons, which other countries should heed, says Marcia Moraes.

    • Marcia Moraes
  • Outlook |

    Bioenergy could help bring food security to the world's poorest continent, say Lee R. Lynd and Jeremy Woods.

    • Lee R. Lynd
    •  & Jeremy Woods
  • Outlook |

    Biofuels could help poor nations modernize, but scaling up aid supported projects to commercial operations is far from easy.

    • Natasha Gilbert
  • Outlook |

    Biofuels have been hailed as key to reducing our fossil-fuel dependence, yet their environmental and social impacts remain uncertain. A complex task lies ahead for policy makers.

    • Martin Robbins
  • Outlook |

    The inedible parts of plants are feeding the next generation of biofuels. But extracting the energy-containing molecules is a challenging task.

    • Katharine Sanderson
  • News |

    Hurdles to integrating a variable supply of renewable energy into power grids are lower than most experts think.

    • Barbara Casassus
  • News |

    UN panel foresees big growth in renewable energy, but policies will dictate just how big.

    • Jeff Tollefson
  • News |

    Premier vows to improve energy efficiency and curb pollution and carbon emissions.

    • Jane Qiu
  • News Feature |

    In the past two decades, the green-chemistry movement has helped industry become much cleaner. But mindsets change slowly, and the revolution still has a long way to go.

    • Katharine Sanderson
  • Editorial |

    Some legitimate questions have been raised over the green credentials of wind turbines. Politics must not block research where it is needed.

  • Editorial |

    Although China is a world leader in renewable-energy technology, it is missing the chance to deploy this equipment on a suitably grand scale at home.

  • News |

    Intellectual-property database could ease technology transfer.

    • Quirin Schiermeier
  • Letter |

    A major pursuit in the chemical community involves the search for efficient and inexpensive catalysts that can produce large quantities of hydrogen gas from water. Here, a molybdenum-oxo complex has been identified that can catalytically generate hydrogen gas either from pure water at neutral pH, or from sea water. The work has implications for the design of 'green' chemistry cycles.

    • Hemamala I. Karunadasa
    • , Christopher J. Chang
    •  & Jeffrey R. Long
  • Letter |

    In the search to reduce our dependency on fossil-fuel energy, new plastic materials that are less dependent on petroleum are being developed, with water-based gels — hydrogels — representing one possible solution. Here, a mixture of water, 3% clay and a tiny amount of a special organic binder is shown to form a transparent hydrogel that can be moulded into shape-persistent, free-standing objects and that rapidly and completely self-heals when damaged.

    • Qigang Wang
    • , Justin L. Mynar
    •  & Takuzo Aida
  • News & Views |

    Springtime ozone levels in the lower atmosphere over western North America are rising. The source of this pollution may be Asia, a finding that reaffirms the need for international air-quality control.

    • Kathy Law
  • News Feature |

    Renewable energy is not a viable option unless energy can be stored on a large scale. David Lindley looks at five ways to do that.

    • David Lindley