Genetic techniques articles within Nature Materials


  • News & Views |

    Fruit flies injected with magnetic nanoparticles and genetically modified to sensitize neural circuits to the rate of change in temperature have enabled subsecond behavioural responses to magnetic stimuli and multi-channel magnetic control.

    • Michael G. Christiansen
    •  & Simone Schuerle
  • Article |

    Here the authors describe a method for remote magnetothermal stimulation of neurons that achieves subsecond behavioural responses in Drosophila fruit flies by combining magnetic nanoparticles with TRPA1-A, a rate-sensitive thermoreceptor. Tuning the properties of magnetic nanoparticles to respond to different magnetic field strengths and frequencies enables multichannel thermal magnetogenetic stimulation.

    • Charles Sebesta
    • , Daniel Torres Hinojosa
    •  & Jacob T. Robinson
  • Editorial |

    After years of speculation over who would be recognized for the pioneering work on the gene editing tool CRISPR–Cas9, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry has finally been awarded to Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna.