Fossil fuels articles within Nature


  • Article |

    A global energy system model finds that planned fossil fuel extraction is inconsistent with limiting global warming to 1.5 °C, because the majority of fossil fuel reserves must stay in the ground.

    • Dan Welsby
    • , James Price
    •  & Paul Ekins
  • Article |

    A multidisciplinary method for managing triggered seismicity is developed using detailed subsurface information to calibrate geomechanical and earthquake source physics models, and is applied to the Val d’Agri oil field in seismically active southern Italy.

    • Bradford H. Hager
    • , James Dieterich
    •  & Andreas Plesch
  • Outlook |

    Carbon capture and storage will be crucial for mitigating climate change and rebuilding the world's energy infrastructure.

    • Katherine Bourzac
  • Letter |

    Lower olefins are hydrocarbons that are widely used in the chemical industry, and can be generated from syngas by the ‘Fischer–Tropsch to olefins’ process; here, a new catalyst is described that can generate lower olefins from syngas with high selectivity, with little formation of undesirable methane.

    • Liangshu Zhong
    • , Fei Yu
    •  & Hui Wang