Education articles within Nature Materials


  • Editorial |

    Winds of change blow through research centres and universities operating in the Middle East.

  • Commentary |

    The Middle East is rich in human and natural resources, but many of its countries need a cultural and scientific transformation to reach worldwide recognition in education, research and economic productivity. Several institutions are making a positive impact, kindling hope for a successful 'science spring'.

    • Ahmed H. Zewail
  • Editorial |

    French research requires a deeper reform with a vision — instead of limited organizational changes that do not provide a new competitive impulse to further develop research capabilities.

  • Editorial |

    Mexico is a country rich with natural resources and an educated workforce. Yet its scientific output remains below its potential. In this focus issue we try to highlight some of Mexico's structural problems.

  • News & Views |

    As the First International Nanotechnology Congress hosted in Quito clearly corroborated, Ecuador is betting on nanotechnology as one of its proposed key investment areas. It is now up to decision-makers to make it happen.

    • Mauricio Terrones
  • Editorial |

    The large investments in research and education made in recent years have provided Brazilian scientists with the conditions to achieve scientific excellence.