Conferences and meetings articles within Nature Geoscience


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    The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many scientific meetings online. Virtual conferences can increase access, but community engagement is needed to foster inclusivity.

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    Social distancing in response to COVID-19 need not mean social or scientific isolation. Adaption to technology now could lead to more innovative, sustainable and inclusive communication in the future.

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    Ice buried deep within the ice sheet on Antarctica preserves clues to past climatic change dating back more than a million years. A recent workshop discussed the challenges — and hopes — of drilling to these buried treasures.

    • Dorthe Dahl-Jensen
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    Geoscientists are training computers to learn from a wide range of geologic data and, in the process, the machines are teaching geoscientists about the workings of Earth.

    • Chris Marone
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    Multi-disciplinary analyses of Earth’s most destructive volcanic systems show that continuous monitoring and an understanding of each volcano’s quirks, rather than a single unified model, are key to generating accurate hazard assessments.

    • Christy B. Till
    • , Matthew Pritchard
    •  & Juliet Ryan-Davis
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    The ancient Central Asian Orogenic Belt formed during a period of extensive continental crust formation. Comparison with modern continent-building systems suggests that the processes that operate today were already active at that time.

    • Karel Schulmann
    •  & Scott Paterson