Cancer microenvironment articles within Nature Chemistry


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    Imaging-based companion diagnostics can provide real-time information to match therapies to patients; however, glutathione is abundant in most cells, making it an unlikely candidate for companion diagnosis. Now, a chemical probe has been developed that can detect elevated glutathione concentrations via photoacoustic imaging. Using this probe enables normal and pathological states in a lung cancer model to be distinguished.

    • Melissa Y. Lucero
    •  & Jefferson Chan
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    Current photodynamic therapy photosensitizers require oxygen; however, tumours are often hypoxic. Now, an organoiridium complex with an unusually high redox potential, which is effective in normoxia and hypoxia, has been developed. The organoiridium complex kills cancer cells by an immunogenic apoptotic mechanism involving efficient photocatalytic oxidation of NADH to NAD radicals, and reduction of cytochrome c.

    • Huaiyi Huang
    • , Samya Banerjee
    •  & Peter J. Sadler