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Introduction: How Does Inheritance Operate at the Level of Whole Populations?

A photograph shows a school of more than 35 blue fish swimming past the camera through dark blue water.
Population genetics
involves the study of populations at the genetic level. A population is made up of members of the same species that interbreed and live in the same area at the same time. The collective set of all the alleles that exist within a population is referred to as its gene pool. Changes in the gene pool pave the way for species adaptation, the emergence of new species, and, ultimately, evolution.

Population genetics involves the study of populations at the genetic level. A population is made up of members of the same species that interbreed and live in the same area at the same time. The collective set of all the alleles that exist within a population is referred to as its gene pool. Changes in the gene pool pave the way for species adaptation, the emergence of new species, and, ultimately, evolution.
This unit provides an introduction to the vast and complex field of population genetics. It begins with the concept of the gene pool, descriptions concerning the emergence of variations in the gene pool, and the task of measuring these variations. The unit concludes with an explanation of genetic variation in human populations, as well as a look at the technological advances that have allowed scientists to explore the human genome.

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